When helping others is your primary focus, there doesn’t seem to be much time left for your own self care. How can those serving in the nonprofit and for-purpose space balance their important work with the practice of caring for themselves?
Join IBW consultant Terry Trafton and Dr. Kevin Sansberry in the new year for a three-part series on Culture and Wellness in the workplace, a program of Nonprofit Connect.
The first session is January 14, 2022: Culture and Wellness: Starting with Self. Participants will
Take time to breath, reflect, and intentionally ground yourself in a focused way
Complete a visioning exercise that builds on what is working
Identify toxic stressors both in our work environments and community systems
Build healthy boundaries and daily habits such as a morning intention and evening reflection
Kick off 2022 with a healthy focus on YOU.
Take time to breathe, reflect, and intentionally ground yourself in a focused wayster here. e
iBossWell Partners with Beacon Mental Health
August 15, 2024
iBossWell Partners with BikeWalkKC
August 05, 2024